Moral Integrity as Business Ethic


  • Yana Priyana Djuanda University
  • Ana Yuliana Jasuni Nusa Putra University


business ethics, integrity, moral


Business Ethics is a way of conducting business activities, which covers all aspects related to individuals, companies and society. Business Ethics in a company can shape the values, norms and behavior of employees and leaders in building fair and healthy relationships with customers, business partners, shareholders and the community. Business ethics in the company has a very important role, namely to form a company that is strong and has high competitiveness and has the ability to create high value, a solid foundation is needed. Moral integrity is one of the basic principles in doing business where business people in conducting their business must adhere to the moral principles, the good name of the company is maintained and the company is still trusted as a good and professional company. The results of this study conclude that a person with high moral integrity will be firm in his stance even though he is in a bad environment. The moral integrity possessed by a person in doing his work will have a long-term positive impact both for himself and the organization where he works and high moral integrity will ensure that a person will work with good business ethics


